Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I'm 27 !!

27 ........... I turned 27 on the 27th days in the year of 2007........what a nice combination.....It will be a lucky year..." I hope this year something good* will be happen, murah rezeki, diberkati Allah selalu...bla..bla..." among list of wishes i got. Thank You, guys.

However, i start my day, forgetting my own birthday. Reminded by sms from my best friend. i guessed when we are older, we are not so eager, excited and waited for it anymore. Mungkin kerana ia hanya akan mengingatkan kita betapa setahun lagi masa menginjak dan umur meningkat, setahun lagi masa berlalu mungkin di sia-siakan. Or maybe bacuse we used to it, it just another year pass by, nothing will change.

But when i drove back from my class to Ika's house on the late afternoon of that "i turned 27 on the 27th days in the year of 2007", i told myself how lucky i am for still breathing on that day. Thanks God for that. Thanks for His mercy, aku dapat menikmati kesenangan dunia ini, ibu-bapa, kaum keluarga, rakan-rakan, pekerjaan dan segala-segalanya.

Tapi adakah aku sudah cukup berterima kasih di atas pemberian Allah ini? Adakah aku sudah cukup menghargai pemberian Allah ini? 26 tahun yg telah berlalu adakah telah aku sia-siakan?

......................i cried.....................................

i wish i can do more...i will do more, insyallah.

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