Thursday, May 22, 2008

Huhu..haha...Hectic Week

Starting 12 May….it was like unfinished tasks felled on my desk …..with WCIT , SUKMA and SMIDEX berturut-turut, bertimpa2 minta ditangani… starting that day… office dah jadi macam rumah….asyik balik malam…and the worse part was, 3 hari cuti weekend + public holiday still bekerja till lewat malam…berulang alik dari KLCC and office for WCIT… and now struggling with SUKMA yg dah nak start and without any rest last week..tomorrow dah nak kena pi Terengganu and kijer pada hari sabtu & ahad.. dushhh … and SMIDEX waiting for me right after coming back from Terengganu… aghhhhhhhhhh….May be I need to stop eating Kimchi coz I’ve just starting to be one…sayur jeruk pedas...emhhh. at least Honey Bunny love to eat kimchi..Dushhh..stop that nonsense thought.. I need break!!! Can I? I dun think so coz this is nature of event department.. . Half of the year you will have sunny bright day and the other half with rain …and kadang-kadang…..Typhoon!!! Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


alisya_izzati said...

takpe... bakal GM ni... hehehehe

-kak lina-

Togekucai said...

muehehehe ....amin...amin...